Crystal Calibrator question

Garey Barrell k4oah at MINDSPRING.COM
Tue Mar 18 10:32:44 EDT 2008

Phil -

The Drake 2-AC crystal calibrator is a 100 kHz calibrator and is 
designed to plug into the chassis of the Drake 2-A, 2-B and 2-C 
receivers.  Harmonics appear as "markers" every 1 kHz up through 30 MHz, 
and are used to adjust the tuning dial so that the 100 kHz marks are 
aligned with the dial pointer.  The main dial window slides back and 
forth by the little red button on the right-hand side of the dial, and 
the calibrated metal plate behind the main tuning knob also slips to set 
a mark against the line on the front panel.

Most quality receivers had such a calibrator circuit up to the 
development of the synthesizer controlled receivers.  Although the 
calibrator was standard in the receiver when new, E* has encouraged 
unplugging it to sell separately, for insanely high prices.  There are 
several kit form calibrators available for less than $10 that work just 
as well, but are not "original".   I'm just waiting for the E* crowd to 
discover that the tubes unplug..........

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 4-B, C-Line & TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

spalletta wrote:
> dose anyone know what does a Crystal Calibrator 
> <> 
> do and how it used? Thank s Phil 73s

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