Aluminum rack panels and chassis available

Robert Groh rgroh at SWBELL.NET
Sun Jun 14 17:03:34 EDT 2009

I have been de-constructing some old home brew equipment and have a variety of aluminum rack panels and chassis which need to go - any place except in my basement!  

I don't know if anyone has any interest in these but, if not, I'm just going to take them down to the scrap yard and sell them for the scrap aluminum value. Take a look a the first couple of pictures in this Picassa web album:


If you are interested, just drop me a line off list at <rgroh at>.  You can pick and choose what (if anything) you are interested in. I would like to see all the (more or less) unmodified rack panels go in one bundle, the rest of the panels with the first bundle or in a 2nd bundle and the chassis as a 3rd bundle. The rack panels will be fairly easy to ship (on my part) which is nice.

For price, I am only looking for a couple of bucks plus the cost of shipping.  Let me know your zip code and what you are interested in and I will send you an estimate.  And we can proceed from there.

Or I'll be going to the recycling center in a couple of days!


Bob Groh, WA2CKY

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