Thanks to everyone who replied about HTML/Attachments & this listserver and an offer to send Morse character formation direct --

Mike Langner mlangner at SWCP.COM
Fri Jun 19 22:55:33 EDT 2009

Hello everyone !

Many, many thanks to everyone who replied with info about this listserver.

I understand that it:

(1) will not pass HTML, and

(2) will not pass attachments.

Which is fine with me.

Several list subscribers have requested copies of the "Morse Block Capital
Formation" from the 1957 "Learning The Radiotelegraph Code" which I've sent
directly to anyone who has requested it.  It's a "picture," a .jpg scan of
the page from the manual.

Should anyone else wish the scan, please let me know and I'll be happy to
send it directly to you.

Nostalgia item:  I was first licensed in 1957 as KN4POM -- using this ARRL
publication to help me learn the code for my novice license.

I wired my antenna changeover relay wrong.  For 3 months nobody would answer
me.  Why?  In "receive," the receiver got the antenna and the transmitter's
output was grounded.  In "transmit," the receiver's antenna terminal was
grounded and so was the transmitter's antenna terminal.

I got a lesson from that experience that I'll never, ever forget!!

And so, a rewarding 45 year career in broadcast engineering was launched!!



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