No subject
Tue Dec 14 23:07:36 EST 2010
To : All WW Ex-military radio fans
The A.D.MM (Annus Domini 2000) is a Y2K activity proposal for Ex-
military radio users. Internet facilities is recommended because all
info will travel via the net.
-The task is collect 2000 points in the period 01/01/2000 to 31/12/2000
-The event is open to all Ex military radio set users (OM and SWL)
-The contact is valid only if both stations are using Ex-military set
-Can be used all kind of Ex-military radio set.
-The set must be Genuine, no modifications are allowed
-Only the Power supply, Antenna tuning unit, the Antenna can be
commercial or homebrew
-The same station can be logged once in the same band, in the same mode,
or with the same equipment
-The stations are divided in 4 categories :
A = Vintage - Set up to 1945 (End WW2)
B = Classic - Set 1946 onward using only Tubes
C = Modern - Modern sets (Mixed techonology, transistors, IC, PLL..)
M = Monitor - SWL using ex military receiver (any period)
-Each valid QSO/HRD will count according the following table
A 10 6 4
B 6 4 2
C 4 2 1
M 1 1 1
ie.: QSO Cat A with Cat C = 4 points
Cat B with Cat C = 2 points
Cat C with Cat C = 1 point
HRD Cat M with Cat A = 1 Point
Multiplier :
- X 1 Same country
- X 2 Same continent
- X 4 Different continent
- Countries / Continents = DXCC list
- The QSO is valid with complete exchange of reports plus category
(ie.: 599/A, 57/C.......), but exchange of personal and rigs info
is recommended.
- The HRD is valid mentioning the report sent from the HRD station. In
the case of HRD of both stations, only one is valid (monitor can
- Each station can work also like Monitor and add to the QSO score the
points gained like SWL.
- QRG : To avoid dispersions and fix some common meeting points the
frequency to be used are that ending with 200 or 20 (3720, 7020,
14220, 21200...)
- Day/time : Each area or group will choose accordingly. For extra
continental tentatives first Saturday of the month at 4 or 5 AM Zulu
seems to be the preferred. Info about groups net will be appreciated.
Skeds are reccomanded
- List of the contacts must be sent to IK0MOZ ( mario.g at )or to
the Area controller monthly mentioning :
Date/time (Z),Own call sign,QRG,Station contacted/hrd,Mode,Message
sent,Message received,Station used,Points,Remarks.
The general score will be on the net monthly.
De IK0MOZ - Mario (E-mail: mario.g at
The propagation of this message will highly appreciated - TNX
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