Gonset Communicator II's

kd4e doc at KD4E.COM
Mon Feb 1 19:40:48 EST 2010

I had one of these as a kid when first licensed - no
activity then - plus I lived out in the country.  Very

I may see if there are any at a local Savannah-area Fest
this year - perhaps as a large door-stop or paper-weight
for nostalgia!  (I remember when they were being dumped
for $5. or $10. each years ago.)  Are they expensive 
collector's items now?

Good resource here, with a picture of the gray model:

If you stumble upon a Commander II (the HF transmitter)
I have long sought one of those ... had one many years
ago and let myself be talked out of it ... regretted that
soon thereafter!

> Hello, everyone on the list !
> I have a couple of Communicator II's here in Albuquerque,
> NM that I'd be willing to part with quite reasonably.
> I'd hoped there'd be some 2-meter AM activity, but to
> date, it's an FM world out here.
> So -- for whatever's a fair price for 'em, I'll be happy
> to let them go, since all I can do with them is talk to
> myself!!
> Mike/
> Mike Langner K5MGR ______________________
> PS -- sorry, they're not yellow.  They're YL approved
> grey!


.Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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.============\ # KD4E
. Have an http://ultrafidian.com day!

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