Bob Peters rwpeters at SWBELL.NET
Sun Jun 6 21:37:59 EDT 2010


Hi All.For all of you attending HAMCOM next weekend the 11th and 12th there
will be an AM FORUM get together on Saturday at 11AM. Check out the HAMCOM
SITE at www.hamcom.org and check the seminar schedule and rooms. We have two
rooms this year lets fill them. We are doing a group photo and it will be
sent to ER. I am sure they will publish it. Let's get the group on the map.
Please come with some ideas on what we can do as a group. Chapter 207 AM
QCWA is down the tube due to non participation so let's get going with
something else.. Please forward this to anyone you think would be interested
in AM and AM operation. The TEXAS AM Group is kind of split up between 3.880
and 3.890. 3.850 has more or less the southern states now and not used by
the TEXAS, AR,OK,LA group. 3.875 has become the west coast group.. Come on
down to some good Texas hospitality. Fred W5HTR has a lunch planned at a
great TEX MEX restaurant and will hand out flyers at the forum.


Very Best 73's

Bob Peters





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