FS: BC 458A xmtr

George Babits gbabits at CUSTERTEL.NET
Fri Mar 12 15:57:27 EST 2010

Have for sale a BC-458-A "Command" transmitter.  Covers 7 to 9 mcs.  This 
has been "converted" for amateur use.  Roller coil has been removed and a 
200 ma meter has been placed where the roller coil window was.   The meter 
is from a TCS but the glass is cracked (just like the glass on my TCS!  I 
grabbed this for the meter!).  the middle tube (or was that a calibration 
crystal?) in the rear has been removed but all 4 other tubes are there. 
Cover over the 1625's is missing, as is the bottom plate.  Good for parts or 
if someone wants to try one on the air.  This can be squeezed into a large 
flat rate box but the tuning know will be "at risk."  Sell for $25.00 plus 
shipping (10 pounds from 83467)

Thanks for looking,

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