Anyone know a source for Johnson Viking little white knob pointers or from what to make them?

Garey Barrell k4oah at MINDSPRING.COM
Tue Nov 23 13:39:24 EST 2010

Mike -

Your local hobby outlet has 1/8" dia Nylon, Teflon and ... rod, about 
$1.50 for a two to three foot long piece.   A sharp xActo knife and you 
have as many as you need, for life!

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-B, C-Line&
TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Mike Langner wrote:
> Hello, boatanchor brain trust !
> I've just brought a Johnson Viking Challenger back to life -- it needs the
> little white cylindrical knob pointers that protrude from under the lip of
> many of the knobs acting as knob pointers.  They appear to be the same as
> the ones on the Navigator and the 6N2.  They may be the same as the Ranger&
> Valiant series, although the Ranger&  Valiant series white cylindrical knob
> pointers mount on the face of the knobs, pointing outward.
> Anyone know of a source for replacement little white pointers or might
> suggest a stock I can cut them from?
> I've tried all my white-shaft tuner screwdriver shanks and everything else I
> can find around the house.
> If there is no source for true replica parts, I'll go shopping for skinny
> white knitting needles to cut up, or anything else like that which may be a
> similar shaft stock.
> When the Challenger's pointers are taken care of, I'll make it available
> here, then on eBay.  I'd love for someone who may have used one in their
> early ham radio days and would like one now to become a good home for it at
> a friendly price.
> After a half-dozen changed-value resistors and some high esr electrolytics
> were replaced and neutralization touched up, it works wonderfully well!
> Many, many thanks to all !!
> Mike/
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