Looking for a National MB-40 and a Viking PA tuning assembly

Kludge wh7hg.hi at GMAIL.COM
Sun Sep 12 03:13:15 EDT 2010

I have an MB-150 tucked away in storage and an 829B in a box waiting for me
at the postal place.  At one time I had the entire RF train from a Viking (I
don’t remember if it was a I or II) including the PA tuning assembly but it
was one of the things stolen earlier in the year.  These two have one thing
in common, almost continuous tuning from 80-10.  (The MB-150 skips 8.5-12
MCs.)  The Viking assembly also covers 160m but I think the MB-150 can be
stretched that far; I know the MB-40 can.


So anyway, putting the MB-40 at one end of the 829B with the MB-150 at the
other makes for a nice push pull PA which can be run class B or AB for up to
something like 90w out.  Or do the same thing but with the Viking PA tuning
assembly so the grids are push-pull, the plates are parallel and the screens
are modulated (again push-pull) for a really cool DSB PA.  (Actually, I have
a few ideas for the Viking PA assembly and probably do this with the MB-150
but this is kind of a short cut method.)  


So, anyway, adding an MB-40 or two and a Viking PA tuning assembly to the
arsenal would be a good thing if anyone has some they’re willing to part
with for a song.  I won’t be doing the singing, though; my singing voice is
quite illegal under the terms of the Geneva Conventions.  Something about
cruel and unusual treatment.  :-D


Best regards,


Michael, WH7HG BL01xh

Hiki Nô! 


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