Shipping Boatanchor disasters and cautions (was xfrmrs free to a good home)

LM Picard lmpicard at ALLSTREAM.NET
Sun Sep 26 12:40:30 EDT 2010

Mike Langner wrote:
> I shipped an RCA-AR-88 -- completely crated, with the crate assembled with
> screws, not nails.
> It was sent with the UPS "Pack&  Ship" promise.  Note that the crating was
> at my initiative, and nearly $100 extra cost.
> The AR-88 crate was found in the UPS trans-shipping warehouse in St. Louis
> with the screws backed out, and the radio gone.
> UPS said it was due to faulty screws.
> The radio showed up on eBay a week later.  The vendor said he was not at
> liberty to tell me where he got the radio.
The radio fell of the back of a truck.

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