[Boatanchors] Powerstat

J. Forster jfor at quik.com
Sun Apr 24 15:37:34 EDT 2011

About what is the OD of the wound torroid? Roughly what is the wire guage?
The 60 Hz ones that are about 3" OD are wound with about #30 wire.

Also, you could hook the input to 115V 60 Hz with a 100 W lamp in series.
If the lamp lights brightly, it's not 60 Hz as the core is saturating.



> Well, I got a questionable deal at a hamfest yesterday, first time I've
> felt
> mislead.  I asked if a little Powerstat was 120V and was assured it was.
> It
> didn't occur to me to ask if it was 60Hz, which I think it is!  Buyer
> Beware!
> Superior does not list the number, 10B-1142 on their website.
> Does anyone have a datasheet on these beauties?  I have two and would be
> glad to sell them to someone working with 400Hz equipment, if that's what
> they are.
> 73,
> Wilson
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