[Boatanchors] Regenerative Receivers etc

w4ron at carolina.rr.com w4ron at carolina.rr.com
Sun Dec 18 12:03:55 EST 2011

---- "Fuqua wrote: 
>   Are there any mailing list specific to regenerative, superregen or Armstong
>  specifically? 

The Antique Wireless Association's email list would likely have
people with interests along these lines.

To subscribe send a blank email to;
antiquewirelessassociation-subscribe at yahoogroups.com 

To visit the group on the web, go to: 

73, RON w4ron
2012 Charlotte Antique Radio Conference
My YouTUBE channel

> I have been doing a good deal of on the super regeneative receiver theory and find it 
> quite interesting and now think how Armstrong may have stumbled over the concept.
>   An super regeneration has been recently explored in systems beyond radio.
>   One has been using lasers as super regenerative detectors. Quenching them just as you would
> in a receiver but using much different different methods. There has been a number of 
> research papers written on the subject. 
>   Armstrong, who probably achieved much more than others such as DeForest, Marconi or
> Tesla to advance the science of RF is not discussed much today. 
>    However you can fins swarms of Tesla Worshipers and Tesla cult websites. 
> Boy, I bet I will get some flames about this issue.
> 73
> Bill wa4lav
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