[Boatanchors] Parting With and/or Parting Out: Tektronix 502A

William Morton w_b_morton at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 3 09:58:38 EDT 2011

Hello All,

It is with mixed emotions that I must announce the Parting of Ways with my Tek 502A.  Although I plan on keeping most of the tubes for now, the rest is up for grabs, including an original manual with schematics.  It does work with both traces showing up, however I am sure it needs a good calibration.  

If anyone is interested in the whole thing (minus the tubes), it can be purchased for the affordable price of $35.  Pickup only, however, as shipping this thing is cost prohibitive.  I live south of St. Paul, MN, so use that as a guide for potential drive time. 

If nobody expresses interest in the whole unit, I plan on parting it out - which pains me even more.

Thank you for your consideration.  I am truly hoping to keep this out of the recycle bin.

Best Regards,


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