[Boatanchors] Pair of 0.15H, 1.3A chokes...used for? any interest?

Al Parker anchor at ec.rr.com
Sat Aug 4 13:14:23 EDT 2012

Hi William,
	I can't offer any thoughts on them, but do have a related question -- 
What does your recycler pay for this sort of iron/copper?  I'm trying to 
liquidate an estate which includes probably over 1000 lbs of 
transformers, chokes, etc., most with no ID on them.  Nobody seems 
interested enough to come take a look, unless I ID them first.  I 
suspect they'll go to a recycler, but haven't checked the price yet.
	Any guidance appreciated.  They're located in Kinston, NC.
thanks, 73,

Al, W8UT

"There is nothing -- absolutely nothing -- half so much
worth doing as simply messing about in boats"
Ratty, to Mole

On 8/4/2012 12:06 PM, William Morton wrote:
> Hello All,
> Cleaning out the 'treasure' chest, although my wife calls it something else.
> I have a used pair of 0.15H, 1.3A chokes and wonder what they could be used for.  They are identified by the following label:
> SB163550.15H1.3ASERIAL 14     <--- (the second one is SERIAL 15)7:64<snip>

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