[Boatanchors] FS: list.

GRG w5grg at w5grg.net
Thu Jul 19 19:47:56 EDT 2012

Daiwa CN-6208, 2KW wattmeter in decent shape and working condition -$50.00
Siltronics FS-301 2KW wattmeter, same as the large Swan wattmeter- $75.00
AOR AR-2800 radio , 500kc-1300mc AM,FM,NFM,WFM,SSB, freq steps 5kc to 
12.5kc to works good on AM
and FM broadcast bands did not program it to scan anything. In original 
box w/manual copy and mobile
bracket and screws (new and un used). Very nice shape, no memory batt 
just EEPROM chip w/1000
memories., $175.00

High Serria screwdriver antenna control w/ icom 706 cable (new) $75.00

Kenwood TS-140S opened up for MARS , in nice shape and working in 
original box $375.00

Sinclair Labs duplexer Model P101GC , 4 cav. in cabinet, set for 75.700, 
72.700mc. w/harness -very heavy,
will sell duplexers seperately.from cabinet

Wacom  WP-612-B 4 cav, TX 72.360,RX.75.740 in good shape , no harness

Lots more stuff here: http://www.w5grg.net
Thanks, George, W5GRG, AFA6GG

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