[Boatanchors] FS: HRO-5A-1(R)

George Babits gbabits at custertel.net
Fri Jul 20 17:36:57 EDT 2012

I have for sale an HRO-5A1R.  This is the rack mounted version of the later 
HRO-5 which had a noise limiter.  Had A,C, &D coils.  The D coil is 
incorrect.  Top of chassis has rust on about 1/3;  bottom is clean.  Comes 
with tubes, bottom plate, and dust cover.  All the controls turn and there 
don't appear to be any obvious modifications.  Shipping weight is about 55 
pounds.  S-Meter is loose, noise limiter knob incorrect, and nomenclature 
tag is missing,  otherwise complete.  Email for pictures if interested. 
Sell for $195.00 plus shipping.  Might consider trade for a decent Drake 
R-4A or B.
Thanks for looking,

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