[Boatanchors] FS: 872A SS replacements

George Babits gbabits at custertel.net
Sun Jun 10 21:37:22 EDT 2012

I have for sale 10 plugin solid state devices which appear to be for 
replacing the 872A rectifier tube.  These are marked Semi Conductor Divice 
STR 4B32 and made for the FAA.  I have 6 which look to be new old stock in 
boxes and 4 used which were pulled from operating equipment 15-20 years ago. 
I would like $15.00 each for the new ones and $8.00 each for the used ones. 
Postage is extra.  Or buy them all for $120 and I'll ship them post paid 
within the US.
Thanks for looking,

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