[Boatanchors] Informatiion, please!

Bob Jackson bob at nofrowns.net
Thu Jun 28 15:44:55 EDT 2012

I've just acquired a "Termaline Wattmeter", model 67, 500W, 30-500Mc. Label also reads "Bird Electronic Corp". Large, heavy, black 'finned" body looks like a dummy load. Has a reversed conical front end with what looks like three taps on it. Has an N connector on the pointy end.

Also, a Bell System Model 324 ohmmeter. Also has the word "points" on the meter face. Apparently has a battery inside 'cuz the meter deflects a bit when the (obviously old) clip leads are shorted together.

Any info on either/both would be much appreciated.

Bob  AG5X

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