[Boatanchors] Added Photos and a Price: FW: Seen on Craigslist

William Morton w_b_morton at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 4 11:36:43 EDT 2013

Hello All,

The seller added some pictures and a price:  $1500.  The radio looks to be a National 240D.


Again, I have no personal interest in the sale and do not know the seller other than email communication asking for the additional details.  I will admit to being tempted - but $1500 is too much for me at this point.

Best Regards,


From: w_b_morton at hotmail.com
To: boatanchors at puck.nether.net
Subject: Seen on Craigslist
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 02:28:10 +0000

Hello All,

Looks pretty neat.  Being sold in the Rochester, MN, area.  I have no personal interest in the sale and do not know either the seller or previous owner.


Best Regards,


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