[Boatanchors] Spoken For: FW: Any Interest? Maintenance Instructions ARC ...
Michael Tauson
wh7hg.hi at gmail.com
Mon Aug 19 15:23:06 EDT 2013
Just to jump the gun on my own list of needed stuff, that loop is one of the
pieces I still lack. I also need at least one of each of the VHF antennas
and an AN/ARC-60 UHF antenna, the last named not shown. I am in need of all
of the bulkhead mounted control boxes and, of course, mounting plates to go
with them plus the mounts for both receivers and transmitters. With them, I
need some of the J-13 junction boxes (or the later J-15) and a passel of the
J-10 jack boxes.
Just to add to the fun, I need the bulkhead mounted control boxes for the
early Type 15 VOR/ILS as well as several indicator heads, ones that have the
blue & yellow markings that were used with the old VAR system. (A few
indicators had them even after the VAR system’s early demise.)
My real list has this in better detail but this will do for now. Anyway, if
it says Aircraft Radio Corporation on it (or, in the case of autopilot
components, includes the Sperry name) and/or has a red or blue painted or
cloisonné roundel on it, I want it. It might say Cessna on it instead and
have no roundel but that’s okay. It’s still ARC equipment even though a
number of purists refuse to acknowledge it.
Best regards,
Michael, K3MXO, A&P 1803851 Ph: 1-866-733-0218
What flickering lights mean: 1% electrical problem. 99% demons
Hiki Nô!
From: COURYHOUSE at aol.com [mailto:COURYHOUSE at aol.com]
Sent: Saturday, 17 August, 2013 19:35
To: wh7hg.hi at gmail.com; boatanchors at puck.nether.net
Subject: Re: [Boatanchors] Spoken For: FW: Any Interest? Maintenance
Instructions ARC ...
as I said... lack of popularity RARE!!! <grin>
here is a net pictorial of the 'system' would definitely be fin to
have with the loop!
In a message dated 8/17/2013 10:19:43 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,
wh7hg.hi at gmail.com writes:
-----Original Message-----
From: Boatanchors [mailto:boatanchors-bounces at puck.nether.net] On Behalf Of
COURYHOUSE at aol.com
> yep! gotta be scarce I have never seen one before !
Not really. It's just that the Type 12 equipment never gained the
popularity that other ARC-designed (and built) equipment did, equipment like
the SCR-A*-183/-283, GF/RU, ARA/ATA. SCR-274-N and AN/ARC-5. I have a small
list of stuff I still need to complete the setups I have planned which at
some point I'll put up here and maybe a couple other lists to see if I can
draw them in. :-)
Best regards,
Michael, K3MXO, A&P 1803851 Ph: 1-866-733-0218
What flickering lights mean: 1% electrical problem. 99% demons
Hiki Nô!
-----Original Message-----
From: Boatanchors [mailto:boatanchors-bounces at puck.nether.net] On Behalf Of
COURYHOUSE at aol.com
Sent: Saturday, 17 August, 2013 17:14
To: w_b_morton at hotmail.com; boatanchors at puck.nether.net
Subject: Re: [Boatanchors] Spoken For: FW: Any Interest?
MaintenanceInstructions ARC ...
yep! gotta be scarce I have never seen one before !
_L@@K_ (mailto:L@@K) RARE!
In a message dated 8/17/2013 8:12:41 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,
w_b_morton at hotmail.com writes:
Hello All,
Boy, that was fast...
Received a response within minutes of sending the original message. The
manual has found a new home.
Best Regards,
From: w_b_morton at hotmail.com
To: boatanchors at puck.nether.net
Subject: Any Interest? Maintenance Instructions ARC Type 12 Radio Set
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 02:47:07 +0000
Hello All,
Continuing to clean out the boxes in the garage.
I have what appears to be the complete maintenance manual for the ARC Type
12 radio set. Each of the many sections is drilled for a 3-hole binder,
but please note the holes are larger than typical and the holes are rather
close to the edge of what could/should have been the binding. There is no
cover, so perhaps it was removed some time ago. Overall, it is in very
condition with no water stains, coffee mug rings and such. There are some
dog-eared corners from inserting it into its original storage envelope and
some a few of the frontmost pages have tears right at the drilled holes.
(See? I told you the holes were close to the edge...). Many diagrams and
schematics on oversized pages - printing looks nice and clean from what I
see while fanning through the pages.
There are about 300 pages to the set, according to the numbers I see in
the lower right-hand corner of the final pages. The whole set is tied with
vintage string that I do not intend to cut as I would like to keep
everything together.
Here are some details from the front page:
(USAF) T.O. 12R2-4-1-2
(FORMERLY AN 16-45-122)
(NAVY) AN 16-45-122
The publication is dated 5 June, 1956.
A random price of $11 will get it sent to you via USPS Media mail in a
padded envelope. If it is worth more than that, feel free to give the
difference to a charity.
Best Regards,
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Boatanchors at puck.nether.net
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