[Boatanchors] Waste Not Want Not: NOS Sangamo 0.033 MFD Type A2 Mica Caps

William Morton w_b_morton at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 25 21:09:16 EDT 2013

Hello All,

I have some of these capacitors available for anyone who may need them.  I will say I have 8 still in their original military packaging with at least one already removed from its foil-lined envelope.  There may be a couple more somewhere, but let's start with this batch first.

These are type A2, test voltage of 1200 vdc and working voltage of 600 vdc.  The one I have in front of me measures 0.034 uf, using a simple hand-held meter.  I would imagine the others would test fine for capacitance.  Please note, however, that I do not have the capability to test for leakage.  Thus there is some risk to the recipient ranging from zero to a pretty red plate.

I will get them in the mail to you for the cost of postage and packaging (if any).  They should all fit in a small flat-rate box (shipping cost ~ $6).  If someone would like only 1 or 2, I could send them in a somewhat small box/envelope and I could let you know the total cost after they are on their way.

If they are valued more than the cost of shipping, I would ask you donate the difference to a worthy charity or someone who could use a helping hand.

Best Regards,


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