[Boatanchors] Waste Not Want Not: NIB Rauland Corp 9 MMFD Variable Capacitor

William w_b_morton at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 21 20:47:11 EST 2014

Hello All,

Still wrapped in a small box with original label and wrapping paper:

1 ea   Capacitor, Trimmer
9 MMFD Variable
Stock No. 9D9009V-3
ORDER NO. 724-mscpd-44

I don't have a tiny box, so would use a USPS Small Flat Rate Box.  Any collectors out there?  PayPal $7.00 to w_b_morton at hotmail.com will work fine.  If, for whatever reason, this is really a diamond in the rough feel free to donate the difference of (value-cost) to a worthy charity.

I will give this a day or two and then may just use it as filler in some other box being mailed.

Happy Holidays!

Best Regards,


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