[Boatanchors] Collins kwm-2/-2A

Glen Zook gzook at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 5 15:22:22 EDT 2014

For SSB, the KWM-2- series work fine.  But, do NOT even think of using one on CW!  The KWM-2- series, as well as the Collins 32S-1 and 32S-2 transmitters, use sidetone CW generation which generally produces 3-signals and sometimes even 5-signals!

The 32S-3 and 32S-3A transmitters use true CW generation and there are no problems with multiple signals.

As far as reliability, all of the Collins S-Line and KWM-2- series are VERY reliable!  I have several pieces of Collins equipment and a number of other "hollow state" equipment.  I have had virtually no problems with the Collins equipment.  I have had my 32S-3 transmitter for over 40-years (acquired it in 1973) and, last week, was the very first failure that I have had in it.  One of the 6146A/8298 final amplifier tubes finally "gave up the ghost".  I had to put in a new pair!

In general, my Collins equipment has been more reliable than any other of my tube-type equipment.


Glen, K9STH

Website:  http://k9sth.com

On Saturday, July 5, 2014 2:07 PM, Richard Knoppow <1oldlens1 at ix.netcom.com> wrote:

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob Jackson" <bob145 at suddenlink.net>
To: "porch.boat" <boatanchors at theporch.com>; "puck.boat" 
<boatanchors at puck.nether.net>; "qth.boat" 
<boatanchors at mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2014 11:25 AM
Subject: [Boatanchors] Collins kwm-2/-2A

> I've never owned/used a Collins rig so before I replace my 
> now defunct rice box, I need to know how do these rigs 
> stack up against contemporary DSP rigs? No rants or raves, 
> pls, just point-for-point comps. I'm a 50/50 CW/SSB kind 
> of ham.
> Tnx es 73 to all,
> Bob  AG5X

     I think a web search will find a great deal about both 
the Collins and some contemporary rigs such as Drake.  I 
don't think any of them is ideal for CW although they can be 
satisfactory. If you want a good tube or hybrid CW rig I 
suggest you look at the Drake B line separates. The 
shortcoming is the lack of a really steep filter although 
the IF filter is satisfactory for most purposes. Modern rigs 
have a lot of features but actual performance may be no 
better than equipment from fifty years ago plus the old 
stuff is supportable.
     I hear a lot of bad sounding SSB signals on the air due 
to the settings on the DSP in modern rigs. No one seems able 
to just leave it alone.

Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles
dickburk at ix.netcom.com 

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