[Boatanchors] Question from an admitted 'Newbie'

pmarkavage at juno.com pmarkavage at juno.com
Thu Sep 4 18:48:50 EDT 2014

Trouble is, the term "boatanchors" is so misused and nebulous, it's
difficult to define today. A Morrow receiver, MBR-5, is all tubes, weighs
11 pounds, and was introduced in 1955 (roughly 60 years ago). Is this a
"boatanchor"? A National HRO-500 is all solid-state, weighs 32 pounds,
and was introduced in 1964 (roughly 50 years ago). Is this a
"boatanchor"? In some minds, some might consider both to be a
"boatanchor", or one or the other, or neither. Some probably believe a
"boatanchor" has to weigh some minimum weight, and/or can't be lifted
above your head and/or shoulders and/or has to be lifted by two people to
get it on a work bench. Maybe a "boatanchor" is defined by how big the
knobs are but then, "what is big?". 1 inch diameter, 2 inch diameter, 3
inch diameter, etc. 

Pete, wa2cwa

On Thu, 4 Sep 2014 17:07:47 -0500 "Bob Jackson" <bob145 at suddenlink.net>
> Is there any kind of general consensus on exactly what is or isn't a 
> 'boatanchor'? I'm a 72 yo and BAs to me are the post-WW2 tubes sets 
> made for the commercial (vice military) market on up to the advent 
> and eventual dominance of the so-called 'solid state' rigs. It seems 
> clear to me that others' definitions go back to a somewhat earlier 
> time and do include re-cycled military gear. What is the general 
> consensus, please.
> Bob AG5X
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