[Boatanchors] Question from an admitted 'Newbie'

Glen Zook gzook at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 4 21:51:01 EDT 2014

On my website, I advertise for "boat anchor" repair.  One day, in the mail, I got a request from a YMCA camp to supply anchors for their canoes and row boats!  I seems that they had done a "Google" on "boat anchors" and my name and address came up!
Glen, K9STH 

Website:  http://k9sth.net

On Thursday, September 4, 2014 8:27 PM, "hwhall at compuserve.com" <hwhall at compuserve.com> wrote:

I think that the term was a long-ago tongue-in-cheek reference to old radios, back when even the new radios could give a guy a hernia. The oldies back then were so huge and heavy they could probably hold a boat against the tide if tossed overboard on a rope. I also think that as time moved on, oldie radios began to include the used-to-be-new equipment that weighed less, oh say, 50-75 pounds or so. (ha). It also always seemed that the term implied that boatanchors had a limited number of admirers. These days I believe the term is affectionately used for nearly any old and/or obsolete tube-type equipment, though the larger and heavier it is, the more appropriate the term sounds. I'm not sure that it ever discriminated between commercial, ham or military equipment.

There's probably as many variations on exactly what the term "means" as there were Elmers or other teachers from whom the present generations of techies & hams absorbed their radio lore.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Jackson <bob145 at suddenlink.net>
To: porch.boat <boatanchors at theporch.com>; puck.boat <boatanchors at puck.nether.net>; qth.boat <boatanchors at mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Thu, Sep 4, 2014 4:07 pm
Subject: [Boatanchors] Question from an admitted 'Newbie'

Is there any kind of general consensus on exactly what is or isn't a 
'boatanchor'? I'm a 72 yo and BAs to me are the post-WW2 tubes sets made for the 
commercial (vice military) market on up to the advent and eventual dominance of 
the so-called 'solid state' rigs. It seems clear to me that others' definitions 
go back to a somewhat earlier time and do include re-cycled military gear. What 
is the general consensus, please.

Bob AG5X
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