[Boatanchors] FS: radar & Loran stuff

George Babits gbabits at custertel.net
Sun Dec 13 13:04:49 EST 2015

Hre are a few "radar" type pieces that I have no use for:

BC-939 scope indicator unit;  2 available for $60 each
IP-370/FST-2;  Indicator, Relative Target Position; $65
TS-148/UP/GM; spectrum analizer, dirty but I think it will clean up;  $65

Loran A
IP-58/APN-70   Scope;  $55
R-277/APN-70 receiver. $65

I have a picture of the panels of these and can get more if someone is 
seriously interested.  Shipping is extra.   I accept paypal, postal money 
order, cash and checks.

Thanks for looking,

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