[Boatanchors] FS Mosley CM-1 ham band receiver

Charlie Hugg k5mbx at suddenlink.net
Sat Jun 4 13:57:16 EDT 2016

FS Mosley CM-1 ham band receiver 1960\'s era receiver covers 80-10 meters
and WWV. CW/SSB/AM. These receivers are fairly rare.  Has S-Meter,
Preselector, variable BFO AF gain & RF gain controls. Nice little
receiver to pair up with a  Heath Dx-40, DX-60, Ranger, etc. Very good
condition. It appears to be all original except there is a vernier knob
installed for the Main Tuning. I have an original type Tuning Knob that I
will include.   Pictures available on request. Asking $255 plus shipping
(USPS) Thanks, Charlie Hugg, K5MBX


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