[Boatanchors] Just finished restoration of an EF Johnson TR switch

rgroh at swbell.net rgroh at swbell.net
Wed May 18 14:01:19 EDT 2016

Just had to crow about (finally) finishing restoration of a E.F.Johnson T-R switch (#250-39).  It was really a minor restoration as basic unit was in pretty good shape - the only marginal thing was the case exterior which was originally a 'chromed' finish (not chrome but some sort of bright finish on steel) which was flaking and not looking very good. I lightly sanded the exterior to clean it and then spray painted it with Krylon black paint (it was the only color I had!).
The repainting was 4 years ago (!! Yeah, I know ... pretty much a slacker on this stuff) and it sat on the shelf until last week.  I finally grabbed it, put it on the bench, replaced the ac line cord with a 3-wire only (with ground) and reformed the electrolytics.  Back up and running and looking good! Wish I could put a photo in this posting but, if you want to see pics, drop me a line and I'll send a link to a web album.
73Bob Groh, WA2CKY

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