[Boatanchors] FS: SS replacement for 872A

George Babits gbabits at custertel.net
Sun May 22 16:34:54 EDT 2016

I have 5 solid state rectifiers having the same base as the 872A rectifier 
tube.  They were all made by SEMTECH and carry the number STR4B32.  These 
are 2 inches in diameter and 7 inches high.  Four of them are smooth sided 
(#7505 and 30043 on them); the other is "finned" and carries the number 7314 
on it.  I tested all of them by running 300 volts through each way and they 
passed it in the proper direction.  These look new but I am offering them as 
used.  All 5 for $75, postpaid within the US.

Thanks and 73,

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