[Boatanchors] FS: vintage 10M mobile AM VFO transmitter

rgroh at swbell.net rgroh at swbell.net
Tue May 31 14:47:41 EDT 2016

Yeah, I am a bit sentimental about this rig.  It dates from (I think) the mid-1950's.  It was given to me by a friend (now SK) and was, in turn, given to him by another local (i.e. Kansas City area) ham 'back in the day'. The original article was in CQ Magazine, June 1950. The tube line up was 6AK5 to 6C4 to 12AQ5 final with 6AQ6 modulator (I think the 12V final was added in 1958).  A web-based photo album is available (email for the link - this list won't pass through web links). I even have the original carbon mike which will be included as well as a photo copy of the original CQ article and a photo of the original schematic. 

I would like to find someone who will keep this old gal going and not just tear it down or whatever. I have way too many projects and want to find a good home for this. 

Price: $35 plus shipping (which I guesstimate should be less than $25 - US only please).  

Drop me a line if you are interested. 

73 and thanksBob Groh, WA2CKY

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