[Boatanchors] Help ID- ing components

AWFremmer at aol.com AWFremmer at aol.com
Mon Nov 28 09:32:14 EST 2016

Fellow Collectors Restorers,
Need your help determining the specifications of the following  items.  
Tried "Bunkerof Doom and was able to scope out some of what I was  looking for, 
but not these.  Could be my tired old eyes.
UTC PA-300
Thordarson T-19C39 - I found C38 but not this one
Finally, a modulation transformer, BX -17-37.  Maybe  military.  It has 
failed and was wondering what I might substitute for  it.  It was connected to 
two 807W's
Thanks in advance for any help provided.
73, Alan - KB2HEI

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