[Boatanchors] Parting out SB401

Bob Groh bob.groh at gmail.com
Sat Mar 4 23:08:34 EST 2017

Sorry to see the SB-401 go.  I had to do that with an HW-101 which had a
sadly beat up wiring harness.  No one wanted to buy for any reasonable
price (I got one offer of $20) so I took it apart and sold the pieces off.
Hated to do it and it sure wasn't without a lot of work on my part.
Economically (if you count my time at $0 per hour) I came out ahead.  But
still a sad day.

Bob Groh, WA2CKY

On Sat, Mar 4, 2017 at 9:32 PM, RAY FRIESS <rayfrijr at msn.com> wrote:

> No interest expressed in the SB401, so I've decided to part it out.
> What do you need ....   knobs, tubes, front panel, cabinet, power
> transformer,  etc etc?
> Only thing not available are the two final tubes.
> This one has the crystal pack in it, which is not real easy to find
> anymore.   I would prefer
> to sell the entire crystal pack and not separate each crystal.  Same with
> the remainder of the tubes,
> though if will sell each individually if someone doesnt want all of them
> but the finals.
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