[Boatanchors] frozen potentiometer

n0tt1 at juno.com n0tt1 at juno.com
Mon Sep 25 22:58:52 EDT 2017


I just wonder if the shaft had been lubricated with silicone.

I once owned a new SB-303 receiver....Heathkit instructions said to
lube the bearing and shaft with silicone.  I think it was provided 
in the kit.  IIRC, the shaft was aluminum on the main tuning dial and
the bearing was brass.

Well, one day I was tuning around the bands and the dial became
harder and harder to move.  It finally siezed up and was impossible
to move the tuning knob!!!  I figured I'd just lube it up some
more, but it didn't do any good.  No chemicals I had would free up
the shaft.  I had to take the bearing and shaft out and 
use considerable force to free it up.  I was careful to not damage 
or bend anything, but WOW that shaft and bearing
was really fused together!!!  When I finally got it apart, the shaft,
where it was in contact with the bearing, looked like a kind of flaky
white color, IIRC.

Charlie, N0TT

On Mon, 25 Sep 2017 13:47:56 -0700 Steve Mulder <smulder3 at cox.net>
> Thanks for all the great suggestions!
> I have tried contact cleaner and WD-40, but no luck yet. The pot. is 
> spring clipped to the back of a range switch, and the pot. shaft 
> runs 
> through the hollow shaft of the range switch. The pot. isn't stuck 
> on 
> the range switch shaft. I can't use a hammer until I remove the 
> potentiometer, because of the spring clip. Maybe things will start 
> to 
> move when the spring clip isn't pulling on the pot. shaft. I'll pick 
> up 
> some Blaster PB and go back at it tonight.
> btw, I have heard that Kroil might be better than Blaster PB, but I 
> can 
> only find Kroil online and I don't want to wait a week for it to 
> ship.
> Steve
> On 9/24/2017 6:53 PM, Steve Mulder wrote:
> > I'm looking for suggestions on how to deal with a frozen 
> > potentiometer. It's on the back of the vertical gain switch on an 
> Eico 
> > 435 scope. I tried contact cleaner and a bit of torque, but it 
> won't 
> > budge. What else could I try?
> >
> > Steve, KG7CCS
> >
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