[Boatanchors] info on Northern Radio Co. N542 HF amp

c s Nelson mscsnelson at gmail.com
Fri Aug 28 03:10:03 EDT 2020

Dear Mr Miller,
My name is Carolyn Nelson, and my father worked at Northern Radio (Seattle)
from 1943 - 1947 while attending U of W (electrical engineering).
In 1942, he worked for Shyvers for a year when he was in high school.
He ended up at Boeing - spending the majority of his time in Aerospace r &
d, and instrumentation testing, etc.

He's now 96 and probably the last person alive that ever worked at Northern
Radio / Shyvers, etc.
He's sharp as a tack!!! And remembers everything, and more!

He's open to sharing info with you on Northern Radio... and its equipment.
He worked on building transmitters and fishing boat radios... but he also
knows a lot about other NR equipment.
He's got a schematic for a 5-band radio receiver dedicated to Alaska home
trade, which he could copy for you is needed.

At any rate, my dad is a great guy and if you'd like to get in touch with
him, here are his contact details:
He lives on Mercer Island.
(206) 232 1258
email: donaldwnelson at gmail.com

Curious if you get this email... please confirm.

C S Nelson
+31 (0)6 46 10 7861
mscsnelson at gmail.com

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