[Boatanchors] Eico 147 A Signal tracer FS

Ken, W8EK kenw8ek at gmail.com
Sat Jun 26 15:21:20 EDT 2021

Eico 147 A "Signal Tracer" For Sale:

The Eico 147 A "Signal Tracer" is a vintage
piece of test equipment, typically used in
troubleshooting vintage equipment.
It features a "Magic Eye"

The Eico Model 147A Signal Tracer is a deluxe
instrument crammed with unsurpassed testing
facilities and conveniences for efficient,
profitable servicing of AM, FM and TV receivers.

Audio Input
RF Input
Aural Monitor (Speaker)
Visual Monitor (Magic Eye)
..Shows signal strength
Noise Locator Circuit
Calibrated Wattmeter
Connect as substitute speaker
Connect as substitute amplifier
Connect as substitute Output Transformer
Output for Scope or VTVM
Isolation Transformer


This one appears to work, although I certainly
do not know all of the nuances of it.
Cosmetically, it shows its age.  Buy it with
manual for only $40 plus shipping from Florida.



Ken, W8EK

Ken Simpson
E-mail to W8EK at FLHam.net or W8EK at arrl.net
Voice Phone  (352) 732-8400

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