[cisco-bba] Removing support for L2F in 12.4T

Tassos Chatzithomaoglou achatz at forthnet.gr
Thu Mar 17 05:06:24 EST 2005

Is L2F still being used for SGBP/MMP?
If not, i don't believe there should be any problem.

Dennis Peng wrote on 17/3/2005 9:33:

> Hi,
> Cisco is planning to remove support for L2F in 12.4T. Is anyone still
> using L2F out there? Perhaps to interoperate with other vendor's
> equipment? If there are concerns about this, please let me
> know. Thanks.
> Dennis
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         Tassos Chatzithomaoglou
Network Design & Development Department
              FORTHnet S.A.
          <achatz at forthnet.gr>

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