[cisco-nas] Bandwidth limit on Cisco 7507

Abdullateef Barakat latif at icoolnet.net
Sun Apr 22 07:33:47 EDT 2007

We have Cisco 7507 and we its already connected to Radius server.

We have pppoe and pptp clients

We want to configure the cisco to limit the users based on the group that
they are belong to.

We tried to use Cisco-AvPair attribute but till now we didn't success.

Our IOS is 12.3(8)T4

 Some of our router config:

aaa new-model



aaa authentication ppp default group radius

aaa authentication ppp radius group radius

aaa authorization network default group radius local

aaa accounting delay-start

aaa accounting network default start-stop group radius

aaa session-id common

interface Virtual-Template1

 ip unnumbered ATM1/1/0.2

 ip tcp adjust-mss 1420

 peer default ip address pool adslpool

 keepalive 20

 ppp authentication pap chap


interface Virtual-Template2

 mtu 1400

 ip unnumbered ATM1/1/0.6

 ip access-group 100 in

 ip access-group 100 out

 ip tcp adjust-mss 1400

 ppp mtu adaptive

 ppp authentication pap chap

radius-server configure-nas

radius-server host xx.xx.xx.xx auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813

radius-server retry method reorder

radius-server retransmit 0

radius-server directed-request

radius-server key 7 045A07070228424B1D

radius-server vsa send accounting

radius-server vsa send authentication

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