[nsp] Cat6509 MSFC1 interface stats.

James Kilton kilton9 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 16 18:00:58 EST 2002

I'm trying to collect traffic statistics for some VLAN
interfaces on a C6509.  A lot of the numbers I'm
getting seem to be inaccurate.  For example, there's
one interface (VLAN 101) that only has a firewall
connected to it -- it's the corporate firewall that
all employee internet traffic goes though.  When a do
a 'show int vlan 101', there's a good deal of output
traffic, but virtually no input traffic. This is
counter-intuitive, as most internet traffic should be

Is there anything that could cause these counters to
be inaccurate, other than a buggy IOS release?  I'm
using CEF on the MSFC, not MLS, so I'm at a loss here.


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