[nsp] pvlan & local proxy arp

Dmitri Kalintsev dek at hades.uz
Wed Dec 18 02:48:41 EST 2002

On Tue, Dec 17, 2002 at 09:43:13AM +0100, Jakob Schlyter wrote:
> hi,
> can someone confirm that the WS-C3550-24-EMI has support for private vlan
> and local proxy arp? any other "low-end" switches that has this feature?

Be advised that local-proxy-arp is evil. In my past life we have landed up
having to configure static arp entries on 6500/msfc's for all end customer
gateways, which was the only way to get around some nasty problems that
arise from OUR PARTICULAR SETUP (HSRP included). ;)

But of course, YMMV. ;)

To the actual point of your question - I seem to recall seeing somewhere
that it was supported on 4000's, but I may very well be smoking my socks,
because it was so long ago.

 CCNP, CCDP (R&S)                          Dmitri E. Kalintsev
 CDPlayer@irc               Network Architect @ connect.com.au
 dek @ connect.com.au    phone: +61 3 8687 5954 fax: 8414 3115
 http://-UNAVAIL-         UIN:7150410    cell: +61 414 821 382

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