[nsp] Cat6509 MSFC1 interface stats.

Rubens Kuhl Jr. rkjnsp at ieg.com.br
Fri Dec 20 02:41:00 EST 2002

MLS seems to be disabled on one MSFC(module 15, first slot), but not on the
other MSFC(second slot). Easy solution: log on to the second one and disable
it. Long solution: use an IOS version that supports MSFC config syncing.

BTW, what code versions are running on Sup and MSFC ?


----- Original Message -----
From: "James Kilton" <kilton9@yahoo.com>
To: "Lars Erik Gullerud" <lerik@nolink.net>
Cc: <cisco-nsp@puck.nether.net>
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 12:09 AM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [nsp] Cat6509 MSFC1 interface stats.

| Thanks for the info about CEF... Wasn't aware of that.
| MLS is disabled globally on the MSFC:
| #sh mls rp
| ip multilayer switching is globally disabled
| ipx multilayer switching is globally disabled
| ipx mls inbound acl override is globally disabled
| mls id is 0030.9633.1c6c
| mls ip address
| mls ip flow mask is unknown
| mls ipx flow mask is unknown
| number of domains configured for mls 0
| I just noticed something that only serves to confuse
| me more, though.  MLS is enabled on the SUP itself:
| Cat6509=> (enable) sh mls
| Total packets switched = 1387031763
| Total Active MLS entries = 83
|   MSFC x.x.x.2 (Module 15) entries = 0
|   MSFC x.x.x.3 (Module 16) entries = 83
| Long-duration flows aging time = 1920 seconds
| IP Multilayer switching aging time = 256 seconds
| IP Multilayer switching fast aging time = 0 seconds,
| packet threshold = 0
| IP Current flow mask is Destination flow
| Active IP MLS entries = 83
| Netflow Data Export version: 7
| Netflow Data Export disabled
| Netflow Data Export port/host is not configured.
| Total packets exported = 0
| Any idea how is MLS working (it seems to be working
| based on the above, and a 'sh mls entry' does indeed
| show entries) if it's disabled on the MSFC?
| --- Lars Erik Gullerud <lerik@nolink.net> wrote:
| >
| > There's a difference between CEF being enabled
| > locally on the MSFC (for
| > packets that are actually switched by the MSFC) and
| > the Sup2/PFC2 which
| > uses CEF directly with the PFC2. The Sup1A/PFC MLS,
| > if I understand it
| > correctly, punts the first packet in a flow to the
| > MSFC, which then
| > routes the packet normally (and for this, you can
| > have CEF enabled, to
| > handle the actual switching of this packet on the
| > MSFC), and installs an
| > MLS cache entry on the PFC to switch additional
| > packets in the flow
| > directly on the PFC ASICs. In that scenario, it
| > would be normal that the
| > interface counters on the MSFC only show the few
| > packets that actually
| > gets sent up to it from the Sup/PFC. (With the
| > Sup2/PFC2 you in fact
| > hardly see any packets at all on the MSFC's
| > interface counters)
| >
| > You are saying that you have MLS disabled - have you
| > just disabled it on
| > this interface with "no mls ip" on the vlan int, or
| > globally?
| >
| > /leg
| >
| >
| >
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