[nsp] 802.11b

Ali Kemal Yurtseven yurtseven at meteksan.net.tr
Wed Dec 25 18:24:02 EST 2002

	Hi , 

	Maybe this is not the right place to ask this question, but I
thought maybe there are some aironet users in the list. How many
channels can we use at the same time on aironets near to each other ,
i.e assume a building is used as concentration point, where all root
bridges are located, and the non-root bridges are at other places away
from the root bridges. Theorically , we should be able to use 13
channels , but I'm having some problems, which I think interference
between bridges causing these problems.

Ali Kemal Yurtseven
Internet Systems Engineer
Meteksan Net
Phone: +90 312 2979035
Fax  : +90 312 2979155

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