[nsp] 7600 and ACLs

Ash Garg ash@telstra.net
Wed, 6 Nov 2002 09:22:13 +1100

Has anyone had problems with acls applied to vlan interfaces on a 7600
running Native IOS? We have tried two different IOSs: 12.1(8b)e9 &
12.1(11b)e7 with little difference.

The problem we notice is that TCP SYN packets aren't passed thru without the
use of the "log" key word. When you put in the log keyword, the packets pass
thru the interface without a problem...


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Ash Garg                             5/490 Northbourne Ave
Network Specialist                   DICKSON 2602
Internet Network Development

Email: <<mailto:Ash.Garg@telstra.net>>
BH:  +612 6208 1994
Mob: 0408 687 642
Fax: +612 6248 6165

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