[nsp] dot1q causes port error?

Stephen J. Wilcox steve@telecomplete.co.uk
Mon, 25 Nov 2002 18:59:35 +0000 (GMT)


I've a Cat2924-XL-EN (c2900XL-c3h2s-mz-120.5.2-XU.bin) connecting to a 7200 with
IO-FE (c7200-js-mz.122-8.T5)

I'm running dot1q on them and seeing errors. I'm sure theres no cable fault and
have replicated this with different hardware. I'm unable to find anything in the
bug toolkit (which doesnt appear to support IOS for switches very well) and
google showed nothing useful either.

ANyone else seen this and perhaps knows the problem?

relevant counters (no others show error)

     Received 89 broadcasts, 1698991 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     1819995 input errors, 121004 CRC, 0 frame, 44 overrun, 132 ignored

     16687740 packets output, 3005655898 bytes, 299991 underruns
     299991 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets

Note the errors occur in the direction router to switch.

Also, pinging the switch or devices beyond the switch doesnt appear to produce
any packet loss that ought to be associated to errored frames

Any thoughts?
