[nsp] matching/limiting kazaa v2

Mark Pace Balzan mpb@melitacable.com
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 18:51:31 +0200

Hi All,

As you may know the standard version of kazaa works on TCP port 1214.
This has also been included as a pdlm in cisco NBAR, as fasttrack

However as of a few weeks now, a new version of the kazaa software has been
launched (kazaa v2), which seemingly works on dynamic ports, and my attempts
at matching/blocking/limiting this traffic has been so far unsucessful.

Has any one on the list had any sucess or is working on this issue. I'd be
glad to contribute my findings so far.

Ive also contacted TAC to see if a new pdlm can be released for this. Still
waiting for an answer.

Thanks in advance
