[nsp] oam-pvc manage packet loss
Sat, 07 Sep 2002 07:58:57 +0200
> For some purpose I am using "oam-pvc manage" command under the ATM subinterface. I am surprised to see that it causes packet loss. What can be the reason/solution? I will appreciate any idea.
Why do you think it's the OAM configuration that causes packet loss?
> This configuration has 5% packet loss:
> !
> interface ATM8/0/0.205 point-to-point
> ip address x.x.x.x
> ip ospf network point-to-point
> pvc 0/205
> oam-pvc manage
> encapsulation aal5snap
> !
> When I make it this way the packet loss dissapears:
> !
> interface ATM8/0/0.205 point-to-point
> ip address x.x.x.x
> ip ospf network point-to-point
> atm pvc 13 0 205 aal5snap 2048 2048 32
If you really mean exactly what you have written here: Try specifying
a traffic class for the first configiuration, ie.
interface ATM8/0/0.205 point-to-point
ip address x.x.x.x
ip ospf network point-to-point
pvc 0/205
vbr-nrt 2048 2048 32
oam-pvc manage
encapsulation aal5snap
Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug@nethelp.no