[nsp] BGP community issue or provider issue?
Fri, 13 Sep 2002 23:48:47 -0400 (EDT)
I'm having trouble making use of BGP communities with one of my transit
providers. i.e. I'm setting a community string via a simple route-map,
but they seem to either not receive it or ignore it.
Here's part of the config:
router bgp 6364
neighbor a.b.c.d remote-as 1239
neighbor a.b.c.d update-source Serial1/0
neighbor a.b.c.d version 4
neighbor a.b.c.d send-community
neighbor a.b.c.d soft-reconfiguration inbound
neighbor a.b.c.d distribute-list 190 in
neighbor a.b.c.d route-map SPRINT-NO-METRIC in
neighbor a.b.c.d route-map sprint_prepend out
neighbor a.b.c.d maximum-prefix 150000 90
neighbor a.b.c.d filter-list 1 out
route-map sprint_prepend permit 10
set community 65003:6447
>From their NOC, I'm getting the run-around. First they tried several
times to tell me what I was doing made no sense (though it's copied from
docs on their web site, which I referenced in my emails to them). Now
they're saying they understand what I'm trying to do, but they're not
receiving any community string because I have no match statement in the
route-map. I know I don't need one.
I know I don't need one because on another router, with another provider,
I have:
router bgp 6364
neighbor e.f.g.h remote-as 701
neighbor e.f.g.h send-community
neighbor e.f.g.h version 4
neighbor e.f.g.h soft-reconfiguration inbound
neighbor e.f.g.h distribute-list 190 in
neighbor e.f.g.h route-map UUNET_INPUT in
neighbor e.f.g.h route-map tell_uu_to_prepend_one out
neighbor e.f.g.h maximum-prefix 150000 90
neighbor e.f.g.h filter-list 1 out
route-map tell_uu_to_prepend_one permit 10
set community 701:1
And funny thing...this one works as it's supposed to.
The working config is a 7513 running IOS in the 12.0S train.
The non-working config is a 7206 running IOS in the 12.1T train.
Is there any chance this is a config issue or IOS issue on my end, or do I
need to keep banging on this provider's escalate button until I get
someone who knows what's going on?
Jon Lewis *jlewis@lewis.org*| I route
System Administrator | therefore you are
Atlantic Net |
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________