[nsp] Newbie QoS quiestion?

Florian Weimer Weimer at CERT.Uni-Stuttgart.DE
Thu Jan 2 00:44:31 EST 2003

"Sean Crocker" <crockers@mail.trinicom.com> writes:

> Basically, if you policed per-microflow with a sustained rate of
> 10mbps, then the throughput would be 10mbps with one active session,
> 20mbps for two active sessions, and so on.

Someone who experimented with microflows told me that the typical
bandwidth hogs just open too much flows, so this doesn't help much in
the interesting applications.  Microflows aren't configurable to
source-only or destination-only an per-traffic-class basis, are they?

Florian Weimer 	                  Weimer@CERT.Uni-Stuttgart.DE
University of Stuttgart           http://CERT.Uni-Stuttgart.DE/people/fw/
RUS-CERT                          fax +49-711-685-5898

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