[nsp] Recoving from a bodged 6500 IOS conversion

Robert A. Hayden rhayden at geek.net
Thu Jan 9 15:46:42 EST 2003

I think, if I remember last time I botched an IOS -> Hybrid conversion,
that there's an undocumented command you can run from the MSFC rommon mode
that is something like

download sup-bootflash:<filename>  bootflash:

That will allow you to get an image into the Sup's booflash from the flash
card and then over to the MSFC's booflash and go from there, but it's been
several months and my memory is rather horrid this week.

On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, Simon Lockhart wrote:

> On Thu Jan 09, 2003 at 03:04:05PM -0500, Martin Taylor wrote:
> > 	The first time the box boots during the conversion it needs an image
> > on the "bootflash:" (the one on the MFSC, 1 or 2 seem to function the same
> > during boot process.) After you create a config and store it in NVRAM: it
> > knows to explode the MFSC boot image out of the Sup image automaticly.
> Okay, cool. That sounds like the problem.
> > I
> > painfully waded through this process breaking nearly everything that could
> > be broke. I ended up borrowing a bootflash from another box for the initial
> > boot and then putting the blank bootflash back in after the conversion was
> > complete (while it was powered off of course.) The same idea holds true if
> > you do a "wr erase" on a Layer3 Cat6k, during that initial reload it needs
> > the c6mfsc2-boot.... type image to come, after that it does care.
> But is there any way to get this image onto the MSFC without swapping
> bootflash: (as I don't have another MSFC2 on-site)? Whilst the documentation
> talks about using "xmodem" from ROMMON on the MSFC1, that command doesn't
> seem to exist on the MSFC2 ;-(
> Alternatively, is there a way to do whatever it does the first time it boots
> (presumably fiddles with NVRAM), from ROMMON?
> Looking at the NVRAM as it is at the moment,...
> 	rommon 5 > set
> 	PS1=rommon ! >
> 	SLOTCACHE=cards;
> 	BOOT=sup-bootflash:c6sup12-psv-mz.121-8a.E4.bin,12
> 	?=1
> Simon

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