[nsp] Cisco AS5300 Configuration -- Help
S Vijay
vijay at netmagicsolutions.com
Thu Jan 23 14:36:10 EST 2003
Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part --------------
Current configuration : 5121 bytes
version 12.2
service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime show-timezone
service timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezone
service password-encryption
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default group radius local
aaa authentication login telnet local
aaa authentication ppp default group radius local
aaa authorization network default group radius
aaa accounting network default start-stop group radius
aaa accounting connection default start-stop group radius
spe 1/0 2/9
firmware location system:/ucode/mica_port_firmware
resource-pool disable
modem-pool default
pool-range 1-120,121-240
called-number xxxx max-conn 240
clock timezone IST 5 30
ip subnet-zero
controller E1 2
framing NO-CRC4
clock source line primary
ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-15,17-30 type r2-digital r2-compelled ani
cas-custom 0
invert-abcd 0 0 0 1
country india
release-guard-time 120
caller-digits 6
dnis-digits min 1 max 6
ani-digits min 1 max 10
controller E1 3
clock source line secondary 3
controller E1 4
clock source line secondary 4
controller E1 5
clock source line secondary 5
controller E1 6
clock source line secondary 6
controller E1 7
clock source line secondary 7
interface Ethernet0
no ip address
no cdp enable
interface Serial0
no ip address
no ip mroute-cache
no fair-queue
clockrate 2015232
no cdp enable
interface Serial1
no ip address
no fair-queue
clockrate 2015232
no cdp enable
interface Serial2
no ip address
no fair-queue
clockrate 2015232
no cdp enable
interface Serial3
no ip address
no fair-queue
clockrate 2015232
no cdp enable
interface FastEthernet0
ip address xxxxxx xxxxxxx
duplex auto
speed auto
no cdp enable
interface Group-Async1
ip unnumbered FastEthernet0
encapsulation ppp
dialer in-band
dialer idle-timeout 18000
async mode interactive
peer default ip address pool default
ppp authentication pap
group-range 1 240
hold-queue 60 in
ip local pool default xxxx yyyy
ip classless
no ip http server
ip radius source-interface FastEthernet0
logging trap debugging
logging facility local5
no cdp run
radius-server host <radius server IP> auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
radius-server retransmit 5
radius-server deadtime 5
radius-server key 7 <key>
line con 0
login authentication telnet
line 1 240
exec-timeout 180 0
no flush-at-activation
modem InOut
modem autoconfigure discovery
no modem log rs232
autocommand ppp
transport preferred none
transport input all
transport output pad telnet rlogin udptn
autoselect during-login
autoselect ppp
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 0 0
password 7 <password>
login authentication telnet
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