[nsp] Arping out of the wrong interfaces?

Stephen J. Wilcox steve at telecomplete.co.uk
Sat Jul 12 12:35:03 EDT 2003

 my Cat 6000/MSFC1a 12.0(3)XE is being a bit odd.. heres from debug arp

Jul 12 10:24:41: IP ARP throttled out the ARP Request for z.z.z.z
Jul 12 10:25:05: IP ARP rep filtered src z.z.z.z 00b0.64c0.0de0, dst 
x.x.x.x 0005.00aa.6c00 wrong cable, interface VlanYYY

ok, problems are..

- z.z.z.z is another hop away this cat6k shouldnt be arping at all for it
- it is sending the arp out of lots of different interfaces (vlans and normal l3 

proxy arp and redirects are disabled, its worth noting that the vlan for z.z.z.z 
is shared by various connected switches so the cat6k in theory is connected but 
its not configured so this is probably not relevant.. the arps are being srcd 
all by the cat anyway

also, z.z.z.z is used by the cat6k which syslogs to it, netflo exports to it and 
there is a bgp session maintained, again not sure on whether this is significant 
but this is only occurring for z.z.z.z not any other address (including servers 
on z.z.z.z's subnet) so i think something must be related!

Any help/pointers/bugs are much appreciated


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